How Clean Indoor Air Combats Allergies and Asthma

Many people suffer from allergies that can cause acute distress, especially during the spring when the pollen levels increase. If you are constantly sneezing and coughing while at home, you may want to consider improving your indoor air quality. When you need healthy indoor air in your Madisonville, KY home, you can achieve this by improving your interior ventilation and using purifiers and filters.


When it comes to maintaining fresh air inside your home, having good ventilation is paramount. Indoor air can become stale and trap contaminants over time, but bringing in fresh air from outside is an easy method for properly ventilating your home. However, you need to make sure you filter or purify the air brought in. Our professionals are experts in providing the correct ventilation for your home.


One of the most effective methods for removing allergens and other particulates is using a filtration system. Filters can be portable or attached to your existing air system. Portable filters work to filter the air in specific areas, and central or HVAC filters work to filter the air in your entire home. While these devices will not remove 100% of the allergens, they will significantly reduce their levels. Filtration systems work very well when used in conjunction with ventilation systems.

Air Purification

There are many air purifiers on the market that range from large and expensive to small and cheap. Some will clean your entire house, and others sit on your desk and clean the room. Either way, these machines are great at removing dust and pollen. An air purifier attached inline with your HVAC system is a popular choice and removes biologic particulates including up to 99% of viruses and bacteria.

Your home is your refuge, and you want it to be as comfortable and healthy as possible. Maintaining your indoor air quality keeps the pollutants and allergens at bay, and you have many options when it comes to purifying your air. Give E&M Heating, Plumbing & Air Conditioning a call today to learn more about the air quality products and services we offer.

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