Don’t Make These 4 Heat Pump Mistakes in Henderson, KY

Heat pumps have been around in some form or another since the 19th century. Of course, modern systems have a lot more to consider when operating. Here are five common mistakes to avoid when using your heat pump in Henderson, KY.

1. Don’t Over-Analyze the Temperature Reading

Your old heating system may have set your ideal temperature. Heat pumps measure temperature differently, so how they interact with thermostats is a little different. Instead of concerning yourself with the temperature reading, adjust it based on how you feel until your home feels perfectly comfortable.

2. Don’t Change the Heat Pump Temperature Every Day

Heat pumps are most efficient while keeping a set temperature. Find your ideal setting, and try to leave it like that. If you leave your home for more than a day, though, you should turn the temperature down while you’re gone.

3. Don’t Use Auto Mode

Auto mode can result in your system switching between heating and cooling for no good reason. Set it to “heat” or “cool” based on the season. This ensures your system runs efficiently.

4. Don’t Skip Regular Heat Pump Maintenance

Your heat pump needs routine maintenance to run efficiently and remain in good condition throughout the year. Using the above tips will help to maximize your system’s potential, but routine maintenance will protect your investment and keep your system running safely.

Avoiding preventive maintenance is one of the most expensive mistakes a homeowner can make. So, establish a seasonal tune-up schedule and stick to it.

Keep All Your Systems Working for You

From heat pumps to plumbing, your bills are lower and repairs are seldom when your systems are in good working order. Contact us at E&M Heating, Plumbing & Air Conditioning for any of your HVAC and plumbing needs.

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