3 Considerations For Heat Pump Repair or Replacement

Repairing a heat pump is one thing but replacing it is another matter. The time will come for it, though, as it does for every homeowner in Morganfield, KY. Here, we give three considerations before you choose between heat pump repair or replacement.

Age and Level of Performance

How long has your heat pump given you comfort during the summer, and how often have you felt that the air could have been cooler or the cooling cycles shorter? Note that the average HVAC system, provided that it gets regular maintenance, can last 15 or even 20 years, though it may start to wear out after 10 years, depending on its use and maintenance schedule.

Heat Pump Technology Changes

If you’ve been getting by with an old HVAC system, you should know about the new technology that’s available that could enhance your cooling while saving you money. We’re thinking mainly about smart controls, which allow you to switch on the AC remotely, create a customized cooling schedule, and coordinate the operation of different appliances in the home. This smart home technology can pay for itself in no time when you upgrade to a more efficient system.

Frequency and Cost of Heat Pump Repairs

Ask yourself how often you’ve had to fix the heat pump. If you answer two or three times, that would be about normal, but anything more frequent than that should raise concerns, especially if the system doesn’t improve its performance after each repair.

Serving Clients Since 1984

Reach out to E&M Heating, Plumbing & Air Conditioning today to discuss if you should go ahead with an AC installation here in Morganfield. Our technicians will provide an honest assessment of your situation, all with the warm customer care you expect from a local business.

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